2011년 5월 21일 토요일

common wart images

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  • seashellz
    Nov 29, 02:30 PM
    Just read that EMI (the Beatles' label) have received a bid of £2.5bn from an unknown company.

    That would make the negotiations easier ;)
    thats a LOTTA cash.

    But Im wondering if EMI-APPLE Ltd., despite legal tussles with APPLE computer, probably like the ideas of:
    1. twin-named brand association, and
    2. how the iTunes store, with its huge market and sales system, is already in place, RIGHT NOW, and could drive the sales of Beatles music up-right now, also, unlike ZUNE, which is still at zero, market wise.

    Its been noted that MS has finally just decided to just brazenly copy the iPod/iTunes sales model to the letter-since theyve failed in the past, but they may already too late.
    MS doesnt have 'mystique' , 'exclusivity' or 'clue' of Apple seems to have.
    (ad line: Listen to APPLE on an APPLE!)

    Now, MS could easily afford it (if this rumour is true)

    But then, so could Apple-they have a big wad of cash, too-and their collateral: the iTunes store-with a huge sales/marketing/hardware system already in place, could stand to make back a lot of that money QUICKLY-whereas if ZUNE had exclusives to the Beatles-most people, already owning iPods, but checking out ZUNE, (or when they finally got around to buying one), would wonder: "why wont this play on my iPod?" Or "Why can I only listen to a song 3 times?"

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  • bwintx
    Sep 22, 02:12 PM
    Wal-Mart is a massive contributor to officeholders in both major U.S. political parties, but especially those in the Republican Party -- so anyone who seriously thinks the company will be given pause by the probable illegality of its proposed actions is dreaming.

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  • G5isAlive
    Mar 20, 08:23 AM
    Old timer here, I still have a first gen iPod. The kind with a mechanical jog wheel...

    What you're all forgetting is that, before the iPod, MP3 players were either the size of a Diskman (remember those), or only held 16 songs. The iPod was entering a market that didn't exist, and it was also the first iProduct Apple Computer Inc released. Nobody expected it, nobody cared about it.

    You still see the same attitude on these boards, when someone says "I don't care about the iPad 2, I just want my Core i7 MBP!" There's no difference, except now we've seen that iProducts do sell, and don't laugh them off so easily...

    You can't tell me you wouldn't laugh and make the same sort of comments if Apple released a clothing line. ;)

    if the clothesline held 5000 pieces of clothes, put them up for me, dried them quickly, and then folded them in baskets? I wouldn't laugh.

    Your point about hindsight is well taken but some of us didn't pay attention to the nay sayers then, and still don't. I bought gen 1 iPod as well, and loved it. And the point those old comments make clear, as more than one person pointed out, people will always naysay the new... and still do today. Except today they go to extremes to find flaws as well and insist 'fail'


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  • AppleMacDudeG4
    Apr 17, 12:25 PM
    well I went to my closest Best Buy today but they did not have any for sale but they said the one by the mall had a few for sale. I went to the mall but stopped by the Apple Store in the mall first.

    The Apple Store did have models for sale and there was practically no line and they handled out tickets for the models that they did have. I was able to get the 32gb white model that I wanted and I am using it to type this out.

    Thanks MacRumors for the article cause otherwise I was planning to order one online and wait the 2 to 3 weeks that it would have taken otherwise.

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  • ericinboston
    Apr 12, 01:31 PM
    Cutting NPR and Union collective bargaining rights are not going to solve our fiscal mess.

    I laugh at this topic...because it's been yapped about for weeks..."just cut NPR and we'll save $40 million!" Wow...$40mill out of trillions. Yeah, great concept. Why don't we cut out public museums, libraries, and parks while we're at it.

    I actually listen to NPR...basically because it's on the classical station I tune into. NPR may be a bit on the Democrat side, but overall I find the stories are at least real news...while offering both sides of the argument.

    Queue all the Fox News freaks...

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  • JAT
    Apr 13, 10:55 AM
    I love the Hecho en China threads!

    Every time, posters come out to support China and insult the US. They all use the same talking points:

    US workers are lazy
    Unions are evil
    Regulations against pollution, etc are burdensome
    An iPhone would cost $1000 or even more!
    Taxes on rich people/corporations are too high.

    Hmmm.....sponsored by our right wing, or by Foxcon?
    You do understand that the right wing backbone is low income factory worker types in the so-called red states, right?

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 17, 12:53 PM
    The easiest way to get one right now is to watch the Walmart site and check out the in-store availability. I keep seeing them come and go here, but at least you can see if they have any before driving around.

    BTW... I went to get mine and missed it by minutes. :( Showed on-line and was sold by the time I got there.

    Oh... This Best Buy deal... by the looks of it, this BIG promotion by Best Buys was just a shame to get people in the store. I'm not a big fan of Best Buys.

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  • bassfingers
    Apr 27, 04:43 PM
    Did you notice how he put it? "On the media"?

    Where else was he gonna see it? We live in a nice safe neighborhood. It's not like he was going to witness crimes firsthand.

    + 1 what AP Piano said

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  • PCtoMAC?
    Sep 8, 03:15 PM
    Just pre-ordered the other day. Should be fun. I've only ever played the Halo games so it will be cool to get a little more backstory about the Halo universe.

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  • shecky
    Jan 11, 05:14 PM
    from John Gruber:

    "Oh, also, a slogan for the show: �There�s something in the air.� My guess is it�s an AirPort-enabled network backup storage device for Time Machine."

    maybe its just me but that seems a bit......... unexciting to base the entire theme of a macworld on.

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  • timuster
    Mar 15, 03:07 PM
    Please, elaborate on how one he would have "used it properly" in reference to an OS.

    It's an OS. It should get the hell out of your way and let you worry about actually *doing* stuff with your computer. About the best thing I can say about Windows 7 is that it doesn't require me to care about it in the least, so in that, it's a success, although I still far prefer OS X.

    Well one can use an OS "properly" if he doesn't have a preconception that it sux before he has even used it. All I wanted to point out is that Windows 7 is more problem-free when you compare it to Vista. Believe it or not but Windows actually *does stuff* for the majority of the computer using population out there.

    And if you had read my post "properly" you'd have understood that even I prefer OSX to Windows. I hope I have made myself clear "properly".

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 5, 09:10 AM
    They already came out.

    Perhaps he meant the C2D MBP's?

    Store's back up. Doesn't look like there was an update to anything. Odd.

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  • JAT
    May 5, 03:32 PM
    But backups and updates are critical for such a device. That is my whole point... Are you arguing that it does not need ota syncing or just arguing? Obviously its serviceable without tethering, but you do need to sync it to a computer for it to work. Thats like if I had to plug my scooter into my car just to get it going. It makes it a luxury and not a necessity.
    OMG, stop with car analogies. Cars are not analogous to computers.

    Your computer can't backup by itself, either. You need backup software and hardware to do so. Backing up to the same drive is possible, but stupid. And before you say that SL and Win7 include backup software, the last few years is the first time any PC ever did. I guess all those PCs from 1975 until Time Machine came out weren't actually computers, either.

    My kids' graphing calculator is a computer. Get over your semantics.

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  • IndyGopher
    Apr 17, 04:24 AM
    It's both sad and sickening to see how many Apple fanboys are elitists who only want Apple products to be sold at upscale stores. Such fanboys want Apple products to be regarded as high-end fashion accessories and status symbols. What a shame that Apple has such a feminized culture associated with it. I miss the days when Apple products were regarded as tools for accomplishing tasks.

    I don't know that I would call it feminized, but it certainly seems bratty and petulant. Sell them everywhere! Someone mentioned Starbucks and 7-11... and while they were being douchenozzles about it, I say those sound like great ideas. I don't care if they sell them at hot dog carts in the park... the more places that sell them and the more people that see them the better. When you limit an item to boutique stores, the items get a stigma of being posh and elitist... that is NOT how you move tons of product.

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  • yellow
    Aug 9, 10:55 AM
    Why did they use a 3rd party USB wireless card then?

    Do we really need to rehash all this?

    What they put forth as a hack is fishy. There's a lot of missing information.
    They could have hung it off a bar of soap with linux installed on it and done the same exploit. Because they hate soap and think linux is for girls.

    It's just FUDtardery.

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  • gnasher729
    Apr 15, 01:13 PM
    You are aware you just paid extra for only one think and that is MAC os. By placing windows on it you kind of defeat the purpose of buying a MAC. You wasted a lot of money in fact. Never buy a mac for hardware...Because they do not have the best.

    Plenty of people buy Macs for the hardware. If I needed a laptop right now to run Windows and nothing else, then obviously I would have to check whether I am mentally capable of using Windows for any length of time without throwing the laptop out of the window, but once I've found the strength to do that, the 13" MBP or one of the MBAs are probably the least miserable way to run Windows.

    Of course, if you are praying every day that your laptop breaks down because you have to use Windows, then a MacBook is not for you.

    Ok you keep bring up quality. You are aware that Apple does not Produce the highest quality computers.

    Actually, no. I'm not aware of that.

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  • iGary
    Aug 24, 05:15 PM
    I'm pretty surprised by coverage of these stories so far.

    It's basically

    Exploding DELL & APPLE batteries, manufactured by sony.

    It really should be

    SONY, who can't even build batteries worth a **** anymore let alone anything else, has screwed the pooch for Dell and Apple.

    Well Apple certainly got more sensational coverage over their recall. Hence the Apple haters in my life barraging me with BS. :rolleyes:

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  • GenesisST
    Apr 2, 07:14 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    This MP war reminds me of this:

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  • marksman
    Apr 17, 03:40 AM
    Why is this on the front page? It's like saying that WalMart is now selling a junk tablet. Except this article says that Toys R Us and Best Buy is now selling iPads. This isn't front page news.

    Because it is hard to come by an iPad 2, and lots of people are interested in getting them, so when two national retailers run special promotions making them available it is of interest to a lot of people.

    The better question is why did you post in this thread if it was no interest to you... It is not hip or cool... it is just wasteful and ignorant.

    Oct 18, 12:48 PM
    I updated the wife's room a bit. Cinema Display against the wall.

    Darn you for having those B&W speakers! :p

    Great setup.

    Apr 2, 09:07 AM
    I would guess that if they bump the iPhone's camera there is some other benefit since Apple generally doesn't play the specs game. Is 8MP enough for decent 1080p video?

    I didn't think Steve Jobs rated 1080p?

    Has he not said that 720p is good enough for everyone in his opinion?

    Mar 29, 08:16 PM
    I think that this is as likely as the idea of an iRod...

    Got to see this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmhBv-KwtBY&feature=player_embedded)

    Apr 13, 03:43 PM
    If it's shipping in June, even June 30, how can it not be near final form? I mean when a developer tells me s/w is "nowhere near final form" I'm thinking early beta at best. But 2.5 months from release (assume June 30) shouldn't it be in the bug testing phases and everything else locked up?

    Seeing as how it is referencing the version that was showed which was shown in February I can see how that build would be nowhere near the final form. It is a build that is at least two months old and probably a more stable/incomplete build so that it wouldn't crash constantly during the demo. I can completely see how a lot of features would be missing from the demo version.

    Nov 8, 09:48 AM
    "Hardware accessories Apple Remote, 85W MagSafe Power Adapter, AC wall plug, power cord, lithium-polymer battery"

    Why does that say 85W? Am i missing something, or is that a mistake? the 85W adapter is for the MBP's.

    I'm guessing they did that so they could use the same adapters for both. The laptop itself still has a 60W ps.

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