2011년 5월 20일 금요일

the journey logo

the journey logo. +tsb+for+the+journey+logo
  • +tsb+for+the+journey+logo

  • JackSYi
    Jul 22, 10:37 PM
    I would definitely want to read it in print form.

    the journey logo. The Journey Retreat will take
  • The Journey Retreat will take

  • mscriv
    Apr 7, 02:12 PM
    "Jesus the Son of God" derives his very legitimacy through the alleged fulfilling of Old Testament prophecies. For a Christian to "avoid reading the old testament" is surely to deny his paternity.

    Excellent point Skunk and I agree completely. Believers should make it priority to read and understand all of God's word, but unfortunately, like anything in life, sometimes we avoid what we find difficult , what we don't understand, or what we don't enjoy.

    The sad fact is that many people who profess to be followers of Jesus don't spend the amount of time in the Bible that they should. It's not just an old vs. new testament thing it's a reading and studying the Bible at all thing. I know I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know as we have discussed it before in other threads. Christians who don't understand or know their faith well sometimes do more harm than good by spreading misinformation. If they would actually deepen their relationship with God through consistent time in his word then they would be a better representation of the truth the scriptures lay out.

    However, I should point out that faith is a growing process. The goal is that people will mature in their faith over time as they grow in knowledge of and relationship with the Lord. I am not discouraged by new believers who are just starting out on in their walk with Christ. It's the long time believers who have neglected God's word or chosen to adhere to tradition over revealed truth that frustrate me.

    the journey logo. Lost: The Journey logo
  • Lost: The Journey logo

  • Diavilo1
    Sep 6, 08:21 AM
    very nice addition for sure. Wish i could see one right now! Only thing is, it still has the chin, i'm not complaining, just noticing.

    the journey logo. The Journey Forward
  • The Journey Forward

  • 4np
    Aug 24, 05:40 PM
    is anyone else having a problem validating thier battery? mine falls within the 6c rance and its saying its not eligible

    Yeah, my A1078 battery from my 15" PB with serial 3K509 clearly lies in the problematic range (3K425 - 3K601) but is not being accepted by the web application... I'm gonna call Apple support tomorrow instead cause it looks like a buggy web app to me.

    the journey logo. +tsb+for+the+journey+logo
  • +tsb+for+the+journey+logo

  • canucksfan88
    May 4, 11:24 PM
    and waste data? i dont know...how useful is this...really?

    how hard is it to update via itunes? i just think we as a society are trying to come up with "innovative" and convenient things that are rather pointless.

    others may find it useful, but why would one need to update on the go?

    the journey logo. The Journey - Episode 1
  • The Journey - Episode 1

  • KeithJenner
    Nov 25, 02:12 PM
    :D Keith, how do you like it. Is there a major difference between that set and the mono set. I am curious because I have been eyeing that purchase.

    I assume that you have the Mono set. If so, you have the better one (other than missing Abbey Road and Let It Be. As has been said many times they are better mixes and the differences are fairly significant in places. Due to the differences, it's easier to argue that you need the both.

    I like the Mono set packaging, with the replica sleeves, but the stereo set packaging is also very good with better sleeve notes and the mini documentaries. The box set comes with all the documentaries on one DVD which is better than watching them individually on the CD's

    Go on, you know you want to. :)

    the journey logo. the Journey curriculum for
  • the Journey curriculum for

  • devilot
    Jan 11, 12:56 PM
    Damn you all. I wasn't excited really about MWSF until this thread. :o

    Wireless, eh? New Airport? New ultraportable? *ponders selling MB*

    the journey logo. World Journey Logo
  • World Journey Logo

  • bilbo--baggins
    Jan 11, 04:32 PM
    Maybe they'll announced that they've finally got AirDisk working with the Airport Extreme n, and will apologise for their complete incompetence and track record with this product so far.

    If we're REALLY lucky we might even be able to use AirDisk with Time Machine.

    Or maybe it will be the smell of ******** when Steve gives some other product the false hype that the Airport Extreme got...

    the journey logo. The Journey Class
  • The Journey Class

  • louis Fashion
    Mar 28, 08:20 PM
    Everything has to start some where. I was nearly t-boned by a SUV today that thought they were better than the rest of us... they were running very much running a red light. Get your head out of the sand as to the new world order...

    Here in America bigger does not mean better in the end...

    In Germany it is "Mercedes hat vorfart" (I think that is spelled correctly)
    Translation: Mercedes has the right of way.

    - Just as God intended it.

    the journey logo. going good tomar Lloyds
  • going good tomar Lloyds

  • baleensavage
    Aug 29, 09:24 AM
    A lot of users don't mind if they get crap, as long as it's cheap crap. I can't count the number of times I've heard recently people saying that all they want from their computer is to be able to surf the web, check email, and do a Word document.
    Unfortunately, these people may say that they only use their computer for that. Of course when they see their friends using digital cameras and printing photos, they all of a sudden decide that they can do that on their computer, and next thing you know they have a copy of Photoshop running that they "copied" from a friend and they are complaining because their computer is too slow.

    This is why I think that Apple has it right with one, full-featured version of their software. The pricing tiers are just an excuse for Microsoft to charge $400 a computer for businesses, while ripping off the consumer who doesn't know any better by selling a sub-standard product.

    the journey logo. +tsb+for+the+journey+logo
  • +tsb+for+the+journey+logo

  • OllyW
    Apr 12, 06:18 PM
    I'd pay more for a product Made in America...

    I wouldn't, Apple stuff is already bloody expensive!

    the journey logo. +tsb+for+the+journey+logo
  • +tsb+for+the+journey+logo

  • Manatee
    Sep 12, 02:08 PM
    I'm stopping at the Apple Store after work to (hopefully) get the 8GB. I wish it came in other colors. I really like the pink and the green.

    Can't wait to plug my Shure E500s into something new. :)

    It'll be sad to retire my old black 4GB, as it's almost reach the zenith of scratchedness -- where you can barely read text on the screen. It will now join the others in my iPod "Museum".

    Still waiting for the regular iPod with full-coverage touch screen and virtual control wheel. ;)

    the journey logo. Contact Journey Church
  • Contact Journey Church

  • �algiris
    May 5, 12:58 AM
    what are you talking about?

    once you sync your iDevice to one itunes account, you can't plug it into a different computer and transfer their photos, apps, music, etc. to your device without completely restoring it to that itunes account. This has nothing to do with never charging your phone.

    So you think because it's wireless it will allow you do that? That's a big assumption. Charging was about the fact that wireless syncing at least for me only makes sense if you can charge at the same time (induction charging) otherwise it will be slow and battery draining. I sync my iPhone at least once a weak and i put 10-12 GB of music and videos on it everytime. For such amounts wireless sync is pointless. Of course people sync different amounts of data and at different frequencies, but they sync.

    the journey logo. The RSC Learning Journey logo
  • The RSC Learning Journey logo

  • blackberrypilot
    Mar 29, 09:48 AM
    I just picked up an iPad 2 from Radioshack. They didn't have any 3G models.

    the journey logo. happy journey logo. part of my
  • happy journey logo. part of my

  • Bonds79
    May 5, 09:25 AM
    This is complete bullcrap, people. Over the air updates will come, but over WiFi. Doing this over 3G makes no sense.

    DROIDs already do all updates over 3G and VZW likes it that way.
    So if VZW is involved they will opt for updates over 3G
    This may mean that VZW will be keeping unlimited data on the iphone, and may have changed their minds about ending unlimited data when it comes to the iphone. I think VZW has noticed that having unlimited data makes them more attractive when competing against ATT+T-mobile merger super company.

    the journey logo. happy journey logo.
  • happy journey logo.

  • ProstheticHead
    Nov 2, 11:59 PM
    Maybe I just haven't read the correct information... but how is YouTube supported as an app on the iPhone without Flash? Does it download the files and use Quicktime (or something of the such) to play the downloaded .flv? Couldn't Apple work to apply this same concept to Flash as a whole online?

    Again, I have done zero research on this.

    the journey logo. happy journey logo.
  • happy journey logo.

  • AidenShaw
    Oct 15, 07:41 PM
    Lets just say someone got lucky that night!:p
    Icky... :o

    the journey logo. happy journey logo. journey as
  • happy journey logo. journey as

  • MarcBook
    May 5, 02:09 PM
    I hate stereoscopic 3D. OK, it's quite fun at the cinema with your friends on a night out, but it's far from perfect. I really can't see Apple implementing the technology in any of their products. It's not polished enough for them, not good enough for the 'Apple experience'. Like AMOLED (as it currently stands), Apple will probably leave it to the other guys to play around with, waiting for either something better or the technology to mature. In this case, however, I think stereoscopic 3D is a dead end.

    the journey logo. journey logo blue doctored 2.jpg
  • journey logo blue doctored 2.jpg

  • notjustjay
    Sep 22, 01:20 PM
    It's all fun and games until someone wakes up with a dead horse head in their bed.

    But seriously... $9.99 to $12.99 movie downloads when I can go over to any store (like, oh, say, Wal-Mart) and buy the real deal for a buck or two more? Just how in God's name is this a threat to them?! Wal-Mart's smartest move would be to drop their DVD prices by that buck or two, until they cost the SAME or LESS than online downloads.

    Dr Kevorkian94
    May 4, 09:54 PM
    3D doesn't give me headaches but I'm sure if apple included it in the products, the 3d wouldn't give u headaches, or just simply u can turn it off. I don't think it would be that infused into the the iPad, think about it everything about the UI would have to change u can't make everything 3D it wouldent be that great. So I think if apple were to include it only cretin aspects of the IOS would be 3D. Also i don't think they would include a 3D screen without having the 3D cameras, for photos, videos and maby even (if possible) 3D FaceTime. Apple knows what it's doing, if they include it and u don't like it u don't buy it or just turn the 3D off.

    Apr 13, 05:42 PM
    This seems to be a great upgrade, finally. 64bit, use of multicores, and focus on editing, very nice. But we have to wait for the other FCS suite apps. Also, what about the plugins? Do we have to throw our plugin collection in the trash?

    On the "professional" discussion:
    Professional (and valued) editors are not the ones that can use complex software, but those who understand what film editing is, in its aesthetical complexity.
    On the other hand, everyone can edit a movie already; Whats the difference if he's using final cut, imovie, avid or nero? Filmmaking isn't what it used to be.
    You can buy a camera and a mac/pc and you're done. Lots of crappy movies out there of course, but nobody can stop you if you have something to offer.
    And there are some not-so-professional movies that have a lot to offer.

    Mar 25, 01:36 PM
    I just installed it and my battery is still going strong. So yeah, it's fixed. :rolleyes:

    I've been going thru these forums for about a year now. I find good posts and opinions but I hate these snide comments from people. Not everyone is as tech savvy as many who post here. I'm sick of scrolling past these guys that have nothing better to do than mock others.

    Sep 29, 01:26 AM
    Usually one person will get in a tank and if he is able to take out the other tank theres no real way to stop them.
    4 or 5 Sniper shots will destroy a tank. 2 or 3 if you are precise and can hit either the driver compartment, or the exhaust vent. Just FYI.

    But also, you will only have to deal with that for a about another week. The October update to playlists and maps is coming next week, and the Tank is being swapped for a Wraith, along with a host of other fixes and tweaks that people have noticed in this first couple weeks of playing.

    Sep 12, 04:59 PM
    I don't get why everyone is complaining about the icon in the dock, all they changed was the color of the eighth note.:rolleyes: It wasn't that big a deal.

    That's not true. Unlike the last couple revisions to the icon, the look as a whole also changed. The CD/DVD is different, the lighting is different, etc. I do prefer the old icon.

    That said, I think this new version of iTunes is amazing! Who really cares if the icon is not my favorite? The features are fantastic! And I like the look of the actual interface a lot.

    I get excited about updates like this because they are free! Computer updates are great, but I can only afford one every few years. iTunes I use everyday, and it's free.:D

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