2011년 5월 17일 화요일

grams of weed

grams of weed. Is gt; to 2 grams of weed a lot?
  • Is gt; to 2 grams of weed a lot?

  • ComputersaysNo
    Dec 31, 01:44 AM
    I don't have a dog in this fight, but the question that runs through my mind is: if it's so easy, why do people struggle with it? Why are there entire industries built around people that struggle with losing weight on their own?

    What a lot of people don't know, is that sugar is addictive. It goes the same for coffee and sigarettes. If you need coffee or sigarettes everyday to keep you going, that means you are addicted to caffeine or nicotine. If you are craving for sweets... that means your pancreas is having a hard time keeping your bloodsugarlevel in balance.

    If you eat sugar, your bloodsugarlevel shoots up, and your pancreas reacts in a slow motion momentum by producing insuline to cope with that. So even when the sugar is already out of your blood, your pancreas is still producing insuline to cope with the enormous level of sugar earlier. As sugar is wearing out your pancreas, that slow motion momentum is becoming slower and slower over time.

    ...And that's when the addiction kicks in... as your insulinelevel is still sky high, due to the earlier high levels of sugar, that triggers some other system in your body to level out the insuline... and that is the need for sugar.

    So all in all, your bloodsugarlevels & insuline are in a downwards spiral, triggering eachother...

    A lot of people don't even know how depend they are on sugar, but you should really try it for yourself. Try not to eat any sugar (soda's, candy etc) for two weeks. You will probably start to notice that the first week you'll become aggrevated pretty easy... moodswings. You see the same with junkies trying to score.

    The good part is that you will sleep better, lose weight, sweat less and overall will be a happier person, less depressed. AND you'll probably won't develope diabetes. Diabetes is a worn out pancreas. (there are different types of diabetes, i know but it all comes down to the balance of sugar & insuline in your blood)

    Addicted to sugar comes with all the side-effects that addiction has: moodswings, denial of habit, cold turkey, aggression. But in the end, you will get & feel better, once you have accepted that you are controlled by sugar.

    You do however need a little sugar for the transportation of oxygen in your blood, but a normal eating patern will provide plenty. Diabetes patients sometimes have to get some bodyparts amputated due to the lack of oxygen that the blood is not capable of transporting anymore to the very ends of the bloodvessels. (google some pictures diabetes+amputation that will make you reconsider your soda & candy addiction)

    As for eating loads and loads of food: Your stomach is very flexible and can stretch a lot. Filling up your stomach every day, stretches it further and further. With that, the trigger from your stomach to your brain that says - I am full - slows down in the same rate. Getting the stomach back in the right proportion takes a few days.

    If you eat heavily, you'll notice that the next day you get hungrier earlier than the day before. That is that stomach that is still stretched out, and that signal to your brain that hasn't arived yet because your stomach is stretched and thus not full. Everybody knows that after being sick for a few days, you won't eat as much as before. You start with something small. That means your stomach finally had the chance to get back in normal proportion.

    The signal - full- from stomach to brain takes about 10~20 minutes. That time is the reason people overeat or feel bloated after a heavy dinner. You where stuffing yourself even when you where already full for the last 10~20 minutes of your meal.


    grams of weed. networks 50+grams+weed
  • networks 50+grams+weed

  • Silencio
    Apr 11, 02:28 PM
    USB 2.0 is definitely not fast enough to saturate a hard drives speed, it's very limiting.

    Firewire 800 isn't fast enough to saturate multi-drive RAIDs, either.

    I'm really looking forward to Mac minis with Thunderbolt. Hook them up to some nice 4+ drive external RAIDs with Thunderbolt and I can replace a bunch of aging Xserves and PowerMac G5 servers with much smaller and much faster replacements.


    grams of weed. to say this 3+grams+weed
  • to say this 3+grams+weed

  • Chaszmyr
    Jul 28, 09:36 AM
    surely if you look at it that way the ipod is in the position the 360 is in and the zune is like the wii.

    I think you missed the point. I wasn't comparing the iPod to the 360 and the Zune to the Wii.

    I was comparing the Zune project to the Xbox project, and the iPod to the Xbox's competitors.


    grams of weed. allegedly marijuana coming
  • allegedly marijuana coming

  • NickZac
    Jan 2, 07:24 AM
    One thing I'm surprised we haven't gone into is the fact that there are starving kids in Africa, and this gluttonous woman is unnecessary gorging food that could really be going to someone else who needs it more. It isn't as if she needs 30k calories to survive.

    Whether she eats 300 or 300,000 calories will have no affect on that. Current food production is more than enough to meet world needs, but for numerous reasons, produced food is often used for applications other than human consumption.


    grams of weed. largely on 3+grams+weed
  • largely on 3+grams+weed

  • iRobby
    Apr 15, 01:35 PM
    With the update notice officially stating When Lion ships this summer What are the chances the iMac refresh will happen at the same time? or will it be in the Fall instead?


    grams of weed. hash is cost 3+grams+weed
  • hash is cost 3+grams+weed

  • Grimace
    Jul 21, 11:46 AM
    Walt Mossberg wrote a very interesting article in the Wall Street Journal about 2 weeks ago in which he said independent research had noted that 19% of all college students now use a Mac. That number is expected to grow leaps and bounds by this time next year.
    I would love to see this article -- can anyone PM me a link or post it here??


    grams of weed. a Gram of Marijuana can
  • a Gram of Marijuana can

  • Beaverman3001
    Apr 17, 08:34 PM
    Like millions of other Mac owners, I don't play any games on my Mac and haven't for years. With iOS devices and consoles being so much cheaper, it just doesn't make any sense to me to pimp-up my Mac for gaming.

    You aren't the only person Apple sells computers to either. To a lot of people being able to at least play some games on the go is a selling point that must be met for a travel device.


    grams of weed. A new marijuana policy could
  • A new marijuana policy could

  • DavidLeblond
    Apr 15, 02:51 PM
    You know full well that not everyone who comes here is a developer and are running Lion through other means. I am sick of these posts over and over with people acting all high up and saying things like "Why don't you just go look at the change log?" or "Why don't you send the bug report to Apple" or "Why don't you just post it on Apple developer forums?". Each of these posters know full well what they are doing and it is annoying.

    MacRumors is for Mac enthusiasts and many of its members want access to previews/betas even without being a developer.

    How come no one is ever upset when MR posts information they shouldn't be on the homepage? I don't see people getting upset about them posting change logs when they become available.


    All I was saying is don't be all pissed off because no one is posting changelogs for the illegal software you're running. I wasn't getting upset or high-and-mighty, but being "mad" because you want to illegally download software and no one is breaking NDA by posting changelogs is, IMHO, stupid.


    grams of weed. than 60 grams of marijuana
  • than 60 grams of marijuana

  • Chupa Chupa
    May 4, 05:52 AM
    Disappointing, but expected. This actually brings up more questions than answers though:

    1) Is this a permanent move to a Fall Release of the iPhone?

    I'm starting to think it will be. If you look at the "big picture" it makes sense. The iPod is in decline, so Apple's previous big Fall music event isn't really big anymore. The iPhone could shore that up and bring lots of sales to 4Q and maybe even, reinvigorate iPod sales.

    Apple then uses early summer to push new Macs for back to school. Late winter/early Spring remains iPad.


    grams of weed. 50 grams of cannabis found
  • 50 grams of cannabis found

  • don.keishlong
    Apr 14, 02:47 PM
    Aww how cute! iOS has experienced its first step on the road to fragmentation!


    grams of weed. only ate about 2+g+of+weed
  • only ate about 2+g+of+weed

  • MacSA
    Jul 25, 08:34 AM

    �49 in the UK LOL............. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    $49 for a mouse lol


    grams of weed. -g of dried marijuana
  • -g of dried marijuana

  • MacNut
    May 1, 11:49 PM
    Comparing him to the President shows just how twisted our population's understanding of Al-Qaeda's current make up has become. He was a leader a decade ago.

    The current iteration of "Al-Qaeda" has only the idea driving it in common with the hierarchical Al-Qaeda of a decade ago.Bin Laden was the figurehead of the organization. Him dead is still a blow to Al-Qaeda. Was he in charge anymore probably not but it is still a big deal that he is dead.


    grams of weed. for the 3.3 grams of weed
  • for the 3.3 grams of weed

  • lgutie20
    May 4, 09:37 AM
    But no, they can't announce it in June and release in September. This isn't software, this is a hardware refresh. Availability follows announcement by 2-3 weeks tops. Otherwise, you won't hear about it.

    I understand what you are saying but remember that Apple was able to do it with the iPad, a product that has sold incredibly well during a time that it was less known than the iPhone itself. It could happen.

    People keep saying that it might be a September release but it could arrive much sooner. AT&T admitted not knowing when the next iPhone will be launched. So it could be late July or mid August... or September but that would be awful.

    One last thing. A lot of people waited for a white iPhone 4 (announced ten months before!) and it is still selling despite the fact that a possible refresh for the product might be around the corner.


    grams of weed. 3+grams+weed
  • 3+grams+weed

  • iWonderwhy
    Jun 6, 10:46 AM
    $1000 worth of a beating he'd get if i were his parent. Luckily for kids, i hate them and would never have one. Ever.

    Ah, sterile?


    grams of weed. is illegalin 3+grams+weed
  • is illegalin 3+grams+weed

  • maclaptop
    Apr 28, 05:05 PM
    Ditto. And if they are different, it's definitely NOT 2mm (1mm per side) like the post says. If anything, it's a quarter of a mm each side MAX.

    Perhaps it's the shape of your eyeballs that's creating the illusion for you :eek:


    grams of weed. found 7 grams of marijuana
  • found 7 grams of marijuana

  • sonnys
    Jul 28, 02:11 PM
    Once you are a market leader, it's almost impossible to be unseated in that market unless you make a lot of mistakes. It comes down to top-of-mind awareness. When you think portable music, what is the first thing you think about? iPod. 90% of consumers will buy from the brand with the #1 top-of-mind awareness, and it goes down steeply from there.

    Apple needs the competition in order to evolve better products, but it's not a huge threat in terms of Apple losing the top spot. It may lose a few points of market share, but it will certainly continue to lead the market no matter how much cash Microsoft throws down. Apple is simply better at marketing, better at making things cool, and those are the two things that have made the iPod a success -- two things that, I might add, Microsoft is terrible at.

    I wish Microsoft luck with this, but would advise stockholders to get out now.


    grams of weed. it isnt grams 3+grams+weed
  • it isnt grams 3+grams+weed

  • Doc750
    Sep 16, 09:17 PM
    I also think the trackpad is better than the mouse.

    I love my trackpad .. I can't even remember the last time I used the magic mouse. $70 wasted now


    grams of weed. Marijuana oct few grams of
  • Marijuana oct few grams of

  • zen
    Apr 16, 12:43 AM
    I have a first gen iPad running 4.3.1, but although iTunes says a newer version is available, after it downloads it, extracts it, verifies my device and backs it up, it then says "this device isn't eligible for the requested build".

    Does that mean the first gen iPad is now officially "legacy" and maxes out at 4.3.1? Or should I try a total restore/reset and update?


    grams of weed. smelled marijuana coming
  • smelled marijuana coming

  • HiRez
    Apr 28, 03:50 PM
    Sounds like a "who cares?" kind of thing, but that's actually kind of a big deal if it creates case fragmentation. Not good. Hopefully inaccurate.

    Apr 12, 01:47 PM
    Aren't we quickly getting to the point where it's all about the software?

    Ok, so we know iPhone 5 will get dual core A5....big deal. It'll be nice to have the extra power, but the iPhone 4 now is no slouch.

    Added RAM.....yeah, that would be nice....but not going to suddenly sell more phones because it has more RAM :p

    Display won't get any better resolution-wise. Doubt they'd go with a larger screen either.

    Better cameras....ok.....still, the iPhone 4 cameras are no slouch, and it's not like it will reach the quality of a nice DSLR with those tiny sensors.

    Better graphics processing.....sure.....but it's not like it has to drive a 9.7" screen like the iPad.

    I'd say Apple is smartly switching into software mode. Kick ass with iOS5, revamp notifications, make some much needed overhauls to the system, and optimize performance for todays devices (iPhone 4, iPad & iPad 2).

    Apple is going to stay ahead with software. That's the way Apple is and always has been.


    There is one big area that could use some serious improvement, and it's Apple's core competitive advantage: design!

    If they'd make it nicer to grip (without any "bumper" or case crutches to help smooth out those sharp edges) and more difficult to break (lose the glass back), it sure would be a lot more appealing than 4. Also: while I don't think higher resolution would be much of an improvement, a bigger screen might be. Finally: if they do keep the glass back, get the white thing done right already (and why not add other colors too - but this will only look good if the phone has the glass back, just like the front).

    Jul 25, 01:31 AM
    But maybe with this increased interactivity Apple will put something on this larger screen that resembles the iTunes screen (Library, Playlists, Video Lists), possibly having iTunes on your iPod? Just an idea.

    Hmm... and why might we want iTunes (proper) on an iPod? Maybe to download music directly, as in accessing iTMS over WiFi? So, maybe this new iPod will have a full screen, which will be enough to provide a more substantial GUI, and allow for an implementation of iTMS directly on the iPod. This would be crucial to having a functional WiFi iPod, as well as having a good video iPod. Sounds good to me!

    (Personally, I will say that I certainly don't know enough to judge whether or not this is in any way a realistic expectation. But, to be fair, this may simply be the new top-end iPod, or vPod, and the lower end models will still have the tactile UI. Food for thought, if nothing else...)

    Oct 19, 03:17 AM
    With such astounding results, you may repeat after me:

    Dell is DEAD. HP is DEAD. Apple RULES!

    Jan 26, 09:53 PM
    I always wondered where "huffy" came from. :p

    [/off topic]

    AAPL will recover, but perhaps not soon. The markets are in a state of confusion right now (I can imagine that this week was one roller coaster for day traders! :eek:), but Apple is a solid company with solid earnings, solid growth forecasts, and a solid roadmap for the near future.

    I mean, it's not as if Apple is taking on suspect mortgages...:p

    Huffy, of course, is manufactured in China by the Russell Corporation. :)

    It is true, if your Apple stock has declined, selling is probably the worst thing you can do. If you thought it was worth $169, then it is definitely worth $130 to you. Nothing has really changed since it dropped from its high.

    Apr 29, 12:15 AM
    white iphone also lighter than black iphone? :)


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